Born on 14 November 2008, we named her Naomi Elizabeth. Naomi means: beautiful, pleasant, delightful; Elizabeth means: God's promise.
Of course there were some objections regarding the name Naomi, some says it's not a good name, because Naomi in the book of Ruth in the Bible went through very difficult life. People may have good intentions, and I do respect their difference in opinions regarding the name.
Of course they can always find something negative whatever name we choose. No offense to anyone at all, but how about David in the Bible? Didn't he sleep with someone else's wife? or even our Lord Jesus Christ? Didn't he die on the cross? Or Paul, Peter, John? All died miserable death, some were in jail, beheaded, crucified upside down. For females, how about Hannah? Wasn't she barren? Or Mary? not the mother of Jesus, the other Mary. It can go on and on and on.....
Wendy and myself went through hundreds if not thousands of name, and both of us agreed and like Naomi Elizabeth, and I know this agreement is God-given, ultimately He is the one who has given her the name. Psalm 139:16 (NLT) says: You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.
When Naomi was born, I mean the moment she came out from Wendy, my heart suddenly leaped with joy, and I almost cried, well... I actually cried (without tears, of course...). If you are a parent, you probably can go back to that moment and know what I mean.
All I can say is, by the grace of God, we will do our best in raising up this child in a godly way, to show her the right way to live, Proverbs 22:6 says: Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.
God has been good to us, and He will continue to be good, because He is faithful. Thank You Lord, for entrusting us to raise up your girl. May all glory goes back to You alone.
Hey, Jackson, COngrats! Praying God's most abundant blessings on you, ur wife (wendy) and ur lil' darling. =)
Thanks Sharon. we're finally home.
Very happy for both of you. I personally think Naomi Elizabeth is a nice name.
Thanks Eng and Theng, we think it's a good name too, see you on Friday, God bless.
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