Reflection of 2007
1. When we look back, don’t focus on the negative, what should have, could have, would have, if only.... etc.
Phillipians 3:13-14, Psalms 77:11-12, Gen 19:26, Isaiah 43:18-19
2. Count your blessings.
Psalms 103:2, 143:5,
3. Change the way we think (get rid of the negative, get in the positive) by meditation and reading Bible (and train to live a godly life- 1 Timothy 4:7)
Phillipians 4:8, Romans 12:2, Proverbs 23:7
4. Believe God has good plans for your life
Jeremiah 29:11, Romans 12:2 (again), Psalms 1:1-3
You are responsible for who you are today. Yes, other people and your environment have been influential factors but you are responsible for how you have chosen to respond to what life has brought your way – for better or for worse.
Responsibility (literally ‘response-ability’) is the ability we each have to choose our response. The opposite of this habit is the tendency to blame other people, events or the environment - anything or anyone “out there” so we are not responsible for our lives. Once we blame something else we can easily create evidence that supports that "something" as the real problem.
We can choose our response to any situation or any person. (Mark Conner)
In the next couple of months, spend more time with God by praying (Phillipians 4:6-7), reading Bible or good Christian books and have fellowship with believers (Hebrews 10:25), so we can grow mature in Christ. (Hebrews 6:1)
Some quotes:
God has a habit of picking up nobodies and making them somebodies. (Jentezen Franklin)
Suffering never leaves you where it finds you; you either become bitter or better. (JF)
Reputation is who people think you are; Character is who your family knows you are. (JF)
Shalom Jackson.
You should be a pastor. :) God's love and wisdom shines through you. You're a wonderful blessing to many and a great encourager. May you and your loved ones have a blessed and holy Christmas and a more blessed new Year than the last. Praying for God to fill your hearts and home with more of His incredible love, joy and peace in the Holy Spirit.
Love in Chris, Marija
Thanks Marija, not sure about becoming a pastor, we'll see as time goes by.
Happy New Year to you and your family too, God bless you all.
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