Saturday, December 30, 2006
New Resolutions
Anyway, 2007 is just less than 2 days away. And many people will have some new year resolutions that they will keep. So will I, it's just I haven't really thought of them yet. I will celebrate my new year on the plane, and I hope to spend sometime asking God for direction, for blessings in this new year.
New challenges will come, but I also believe that God will give my strength and grace and provision to face them. Why do I believe that? I can tell you that no matter what situation I have faced, when I put Him first, when I ask Him for wisdom, He has never failed to show up in His mighty ways. Because He has promised to never leave us nor forsake us, and He always keep His promises.
I may have written about this, but I will write it one more time, Matthew 6:33 says that if we seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, then all these things (our needs) will be added to us. Even in Proverbs chapter 3, there are many promises for us if we put Him first:
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, do not depend on your own understanding.
6 Seek his will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.
7 Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom. Instead, fear the Lord and turn away from evil.
8 Then you will have healing for your body and strength for your bones.
9 Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the best part of everything you produce.
10 Then he will fill your barns with grain, and your vats will overflow with good wine.
Notice that we need to trust Him, seek Him, fear Him, honor Him, another verse, proverbs 22:4 says: Humility and the fear of the LORD bring wealth and honor and life.
I don't know about you, but I want to live a fulfilling life, and as Jesus has promised in John 10:10 that He has come to give us life, and not only life, a rich and satisfying life. (New Living Translation)
So, allow me to encourage you to put Him first in all you do, for example, start the day by praying, reading Bible, even get rid of some bad habits like cursing, swearing, getting angry easily, I know it's easier said than done. But if we want to follow Jesus, He already said we need to deny ourselves, take up our cross daily, and follow Him. (Luke 9:23) Notice that it's a daily thing we need to do those things, not easy, but it can be done, because God will give us grace to do so, so that we can be changed to be more like Jesus.
Anyway, on my next blog, I will write about my holiday experience in Singapore. It's been a pleasing journey and relaxing time for me, may God bless you more and more in the new year. Signing off now.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
God Brews the Coffee
A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor at his home. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life.
Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups that were porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite. He then invited them to help themselves to the coffee. When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said:
"If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves that is the source of your problems and stress."
"Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink."
"What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups. And then you began eyeing each other's cups."
"Now consider this: Life is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups.
They are just tools to hold and contain Life, and the type of cup we have does not define, nor change the quality of Life we live."
"Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee God has provided us."
"God brews the coffee, not the cups.......... Enjoy your coffee!"
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Don't worry
November 10, 2006
…do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
--Philippians 4:6
What do you worry about? Money? Your job? Your family?
You know, if you think about it, worry really is useless. It has never solved a problem, never dried a tear, and never changed anything. And most of us spend most of our time worrying about things that will never happen or circumstances we can’t change anyway!
Worry saps your strength, destroys your spirit, and robs you of the joy in life. It takes its toll physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Someone once said, “Worry is assuming responsibility that God never intended for you to have.”
Yet it seems so much easier to worry about things instead of sharing those concerns with God. But that’s exactly what He wants you to do! He wants you to offer your concerns up to Him in prayer.
Today, I want to encourage you to stop worrying about your future, because God’s in control of your future! Don’t worry about your life, because He holds your life in His hands. Don’t worry about anything, but rather, pray about everything!
There’s nothing too great for God. There’s no problem too hard for God to solve and there’s no problem too small for God.
Pray confidently, and ask, seek, and knock continually. Because only in trusting God will you find true contentment in this life.
“worry is assuming responsibility that god never intended for you to have.”
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Shift your thinking
You may ask, "If that's true, then how come my life is still miserable? How come I still have to struggle? Why do I have to quarell with my spouse every so often? etc etc..."
Well, the truth is, that's what God really wants for our lives, He wants us to have an abundant life, so that through our lives, His blessings will flow to the people around us and beyond. After all, we are supposed to be His channel of blessings. So, what is the main purpose of God's blessing? His main purpose is to reach out to this whole world, to invite people into His Kingdom.
In Romans 12:2, the Bible says: Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.
So, we need to learn to renew our mind every day. How do we do that? It is essential for us to read and meditate on the Word of God daily. Normally I'd read my Bible when I go to work on public transport, but once last week I had to drive, and somehow the result was, throughout the day I felt uneasy, things didn't go as planned, I even started having negative thoughts, got angry easier, got impatient easier. On that night, I asked God for His forgiveness because I didn't put Him first in my life, I didn't read and meditate on His Word.
I'm not saying that if you started reading Bible in the day, then everything will be fine, no. But my point is, if you love God, you will start reading His word. Jesus also said in Matthew 4:4: "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.' "
Anyway, reading the Bible is only one thing we need to do as Christians, there are many other things that we need to do in order to have an abundant life God has in store for us, such as praying regularly, forgiving those who have hurt our feelings, letting go of the past, set our eyes on God's promises.
I pray that you will start putting God first in your life, and then He will add all our daily needs (Matthew 6:33), God bless you.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
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Saturday, July 29, 2006
I was planning to update my blog regularly, but as you can see, it's not happening. It's almost 2 months ago since my last one. Well, what can I say, these few months has been a period of adjustment for me. As you probably know, I just got married in March. I must say while a marriage life is fun, but there needs to be a lot of adjustments made on my side.
Firstly, I must always remember that my life is not about me anymore, but it's about us. I cannot be selfish anymore, and have to give up and compromise some things just because I love my wife more than all these things. For example, I need to cut down my tennis and spend more time with her.
By the grace of God, our marriage can only grow stronger as days passes by. Don't get me wrong, our marriage is not perfect, everyday is a learning process for both of us, everyday we would discover new things, new habits (or bad habits) about our other half. It's not a smooth journey, there are bumps or humps along the way, but just like a wheel, we are moving forward towards what God has planned for our lives.
God is good all the time, and of course there are things in this world we don't understand, but that doesn't change the fact that He is a good God, and He longs to give good things to us, He longs to bless us beyond our thoughts or imagination, that's the truth of the Bible. But there is a condition attached to it, and that's why many people in this world have missed the condition and blame God for whatever bad things happen to them.
So, what's the condition for God's blessing? A simple answer is: obedience.
We can look throughout the Bible verses, old and new testament about God's blessing, I can give a few here:
Exodus 19:5
Now if you will obey me and keep my covenant, you will be my own special treasure from among all the nations of the earth; for all the earth belongs to me.
Leviticus 25:18
If you want to live securely in the land, keep my laws and obey my regulations.
Deuteronomy 11:27
You will be blessed if you obey the commands of the LORD your God that I am giving you today.
Deuteronomy 13:18
The LORD your God will be merciful only if you obey him and keep all the commands I am giving you today, doing what is pleasing to him.
John 15:7
If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.
There are many more verses in the Bible about God's promise for us, but that's enough for now. Life is not always easy. You may be facing some problems right now, but God longs to give you victory, God longs to deliver you from whatever situation you face. All He wants from you is to trust and obey Him, knowing that He has everything under control. He even knows the numbers of your hair, believe it or not.
Let me finish this blog with a verse from Ecclesiastes 12:13: Here is my final conclusion: Fear God and obey his commands, for this is the duty of every person.
May God bless you and prosper you.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
I have dreams too, that one day, by the grace of God, I will be able to dedicate my life wholly to Him, to serve Him all the days of my life. I know I'm not there yet, I have much to do, in terms of my character, I need an extreme character makeover. I need to change the way I think, I need to renew my mind everyday, because the Bible says: Be transformed by the renewing of your mind, and then we will be able to know what God wants us to do, and we will know how good and pleasing and perfect his will really is. (Romans 12:2)
As for now, I am learning to depend on Him, I am learning to put my trust and hope in Him, with my life. Not easy sometimes, because we tend to do things our own way, and as a result of wrong decision we make, we would regret it. That's part of the learning process, Proverbs 24:16 says: though the righteous falls seven times, he will rise again. That means even though we are made righteous by God, we will still fall, but we need to get up right away.
My prayer for you who are reading this blog, is that when you feel down, when you think that you are walking through the valley of the shadow of death, when you are at crossroads, and need to make decision, look up to God, ask Him for wisdom and peace to decide. And even though you think you have stuffed up, you made wrong decision, God in His mercy and wisdom, already knew that you would make that decision, and be assured that in the end, it will be alright, because God causes all things (good and bad, right and wrong decision) will work out for the good of those who love Him. That's in Romans 8:28, the Message translation says: That's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.
So, hold your head up, keep on looking up, turn your eyes to Jesus, the Author and the Finisher of our faith.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
It’s not the conflict that matters, but it’s how we handle it, that matters most. As for me, I’m still learning how to handle the conflicts with a right attitude. I am still learning, sometimes I blew it too you know.
As God’s people, we need to understand that we are blessed when we try our best to live in peace. Jesus mentioned in Matthew 5 that we are blessed if we work for peace (or peacemaker), because we will be called children of God, that’s our title.
Romans 12:18, Paul emphasized that we have to do our part to live in peace with everyone, as much as possible.
Don’t let little things cause strive and division, we have to let the love of God flow in us and flow out from us, that the world may know there is something more about life.
God bless you all.
Monday, May 22, 2006
See Yourself as God Sees You!
Do you have a vision of victory for your life? Do you know that God desires to do great and mighty things in your life? But in order to fulfill God's plan, you must first see yourself the way God sees you–growing and prosperous in every area.
Where you are in life today is a direct reflection of your past thoughts about yourself. You are not able to rise above your own self-image. But no matter what your current situation, you can change your self-image by meditating on God's Word and spending time with Him.
Begin today to see yourself the way God sees you. He sees you as an overcomer, more than a conqueror, and a champion in life. He sees you as the head, and not the tail. He sees you above, and not beneath. He sees you growing and excelling, and living a life of victory!
As you begin to change your self image and see yourself living the life God has for you, you will experience His fulfillment, peace, and power.
A Prayer for Today
God, I was made in Your image and that means I am a conqueror and can do all things! Thank you for Your confidence in me. I am going to stay focused on Your loving plan for my life. In Jesus' name, Amen.
from: www.joelosteen.comThursday, May 18, 2006
When Routine Becomes a Rut
Do you have a daily routine? Most of us do. We do many of the same things everyday without even thinking about them. Sometimes that is good. A lot of things just come naturally – brushing our teeth, putting on our clothes and even driving a car. There are just some things that we like to do the same way we have always done them.
But in some cases what we have made "routine" have really become ruts! We can keep doing things "the same ole' way" and never take the time to stop and listen to God's voice. And if we don't listen, we will miss out on His best plan for us. We believe that the Lord has new and exciting directions for your life, directions that he wants to take you in today. If He does, are you listening?
Maybe He's telling you it's time to cultivate better relationships. Perhaps He has a different career path or job opportunity for you. Maybe the Lord is just encouraging you to develop a positive attitude or healthier habits.
Is God asking you to step out of your comfort zone? Are you willing to break your routine? Be bold and be willing to do something out of your usual routine that honors God in a greater way. When you take the initiative and move from your "safe zone" to your "faith zone," that is when God will move on your behalf and begin to do greater things in your life. He will bless you in uncommon ways and you will experience an extraordinary life filled with hope, purpose, and victory.
A Prayer for Today
God, it's time for me to be still and listen. As I spend time in prayer and in the Word, speak to me, O Lord. Tell me what I need to hear and give me the courage to make the desires and dreams of my heart come to pass. In Jesus' name, Amen.
From: Joel Osteen (, May 17, 2006
Balanced view
Why is there suffering in this world? Why some people are living in poverty and lack? And yet another are living in prosperity and have abundance? Proverbs 22:2 says: Rich and poor have this in common: The LORD is the Maker of them all.
Some Christians believe that if we follow God, trust and obey him, then our lives will be prosperous. There is a truth in it, because God has many promises for us, Matthew 6:33 says: seek first the
Jeremiah 29:11, God said: I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you, and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and future.
Another promise in Philipians 4:19: And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
In John 10:10 Jesus said: I have come to give you abundant life.
But we need to balance it out, because Jesus Himself said that if anyone wants to follow Him, then he must deny himself, take up his cross daily and follow Him. (Luke 9:23) and He also said in John 16:33 (Message): ”I've told you all this so that trusting me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I've conquered the world."
Our God has good plans for us, that’s the truth, but more than that, He wants to have an intimate relationship with us, He wants us to walk with Him daily, to introduce Him to our friends, our colleagues. Because His will is that none should perish. He wants to call us his friends. I don’t know about you, but I want to be called a friend of God. Psalms 25:14 (NLT) says: Friendship with the LORD is reserved for those who fear him. With them he shares the secrets of his covenant. Even in new testament, Jesus said that we are his friends if we obey his commandments.
Can you imagine the God of the universe made a choice to use us, people like you and me who make mistakes pretty much every day? Yes, He chose to use us as His tools to bring more people into the
Friday, May 05, 2006
Another week flies
Anyway, we all have things to worry about, whether it's family, relationship, work, finance, health, all these are part of life, after all Jesus already said that in this world we will have problems, but take heart, be of good cheer, He has overcome the world. Especially for most Australians (including me :)), interest rate just went up, petrol price won't go down, more families are struggling with meeting their daily needs. If only they knew, God has promised, as we seek Him first, He is the one who will provide and supply for all our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
I heard a sermon yesterday, Mark Conner talking about life is more like a roller coaster, sometimes up, sometimes down. But no matter what we are facing, we need to be strong and trust God for His guidance, He has promised to never leave nor forsake us, when we walk through fire, He will be there, and we will not be burned. In fact, He is burning our impurities in life, He is making us to be better person everyday, that is, only if we are willing to surrender our lives to Him.
Let me finish with a verse from Ephesians 4:6(NLT) "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done".
Be blessed, and have a great weekend.
Monday, May 01, 2006
Attitude.... is everything
We can see throughout the bible about attitudes of the people, whether good or bad attitude, that somehow would cause God's favour to be upon them or not. Do you know why it took 40 years for the Israelites to enter Canaan the promised land? It's not that it's far away, in fact, if I'm correct, the distance between Egypt and Canaan was about few weeks on foot. The answer is because they have very bad attitudes, they complained to Moses all the times, oh yes, they rejoiced when God performed miracles such as parting the Red sea, food fell down from the sky, water gushed out from stones, but after a while, they got used to it and complained and whinged.
Sometimes I think myself a bit like that, God has delivered me from Egypt (sin), and He is leading me to the promised land, although I am not there yet, I know I don't want to wait for 40 years to get there.
In Numbers 14:26-29 it says: Then the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, "How long will this wicked nation complain about me? I have heard everything the Israelites have been saying. Now tell them this: `As surely as I live, I will do to you the very things I heard you say. I, the LORD, have spoken! You will all die here in this wilderness!
Wow!!! That's God speaking!!! As for me, I can tell you I don't want to die in the wilderness, I want to go to the promised land for sure!
In Ephesians 4:20-23 , Paul was teaching about how we should live as children of light: But that isn't what you were taught when you learned about Christ. Since you have heard all about him and have learned the truth that is in Jesus, throw off your old evil nature and your former way of life, which is rotten through and through, full of lust and deception. Instead, there must be a spiritual renewal of your thoughts and attitudes.
Read the whole chapter 4 if you want, but further down to verse 31 and 32, he said: Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of malicious behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.
Proverbs 14:30 says: A relaxed attitude lengthens life; jealousy rots it away.
Jesus said in John 16:33 "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world". Other translations of the Bible said for the words "take heart" is "be of good cheer!"
Last verse, Phillipians 2:14-15: In everything you do, stay away from complaining and arguing, so that no one can speak a word of blame against you. You are to live clean, innocent lives as children of God in a dark world full of crooked and perverse people. Let your lives shine brightly before them.
Anyway, no matter what we are facing everyday, let me challenge you to face it with a good attitude, it may not be easy, you may think it's impossible, but God says: All things are possible with God.
God bless you.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
A new day
Anyway, it was a full-packed exciting long weekend, had John Bevere came for our leadership summit at our church, powerful messages, life-changing sermons on the weekend services, many people committed and recommitted their lives to God.
Me and my wife was helping out in the Streets Cafe and man, it was very busy, all foods were sold out. Thank God for that. On Sunday night I slept for about 12 hours straight, just to rejuvenate this weak body. When we are weak, God is always strong.
Just a verse to encourage you from 2 Corinthians 9:8: And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.
Be blessed and have a good day :)
Friday, April 21, 2006
Another long weekend
This weekend will be a long weekend for me, next Tuesday is Anzac day and I already got Monday off, you know flexi day, a.k.a RTO.
But, this weekend is a full packed, there is a conference at our church, me and my wife already signed up for it, starting tonight, then tomorrow.
Anyway, I read Romans 14 this morning, and this is some of the verses that I hope will bless you, from NLT: 17For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink, but of living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. 18If you serve Christ with this attitude, you will please God. And other people will approve of you, too. 19So then, let us aim for harmony in the church and try to build each other up.
Another verse to meditate, Psalm 107:17:
But the love of the LORD remains forever with those who fear him. His salvation extends to the children's children 18 of those who are faithful to his covenant, of those who obey his commandments!
Have a good weekend, hope to blog again on the weekend or next week, God bless you all.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
I’m having trouble at workplace with our new fleet of machine, it’s causing BSOD on few machines. I suspect it’s the dodgy RAMs supplied. Anyway, I’m quite hopeful that we will resolve this issue pretty soon.
God is gracious and merciful, His favour is upon us if we walk closely with Him, He is closer than you thought, in fact the Bible says that as we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us, but we need to make the first move drawing near to God.
He has promised in Proverbs 3:5-6 (The Message): Trust GOD from the bottom of your heart, don't try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for GOD's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go, he's the one who will keep you on track.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
The day after Easter break
Anyway, I'll need to be more consistent in blogging, kind of my daily journal. Whether anyone read or not, doesn't really matter to me.
A verse from the Bible that encourages me every time: Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4)
Have a good day and may God bless you.