Saturday, August 25, 2007

Alone, but not lonely

Another one and a half months has passed since my last blog.... man... what happened to regular daily blogging? Anyway, no excuses, I am just being lazy.

Now my wife is in Singapore having her holiday for few weeks, so I'm kinda alone, but of course, not lonely, because God is with me, He has promised to never leave nor forsake me.

Just found out my pastor also has started blogging, you can find his blog at

A lot of good stuff there to learn, and even participate, you can leave comments or feedback.

OK, so my wife is away, so what's gonna happen for the next few weeks to me? Don't worry, I still am quite occupied, got few books to read, house cleaning, especially my garage, I've promised her by the time she comes back, our garage will be clean(-er) . hehehe.....

Then my uncle just bought a new laptop, so I'm gonna setup for him, then another uncle and auntie will come from overseas for couple of weeks, I think they will arrive next weekend.

And tennis, winter is always not a very good time for tennis, last time I played was 3 weeks ago, and it was pretty bad, I hit the balls all over the place, definitely need to play more often to get back the swing.

Also without forgetting LifeGroup, really thank God for friends who have been coming regularly, and occasional visitors, I do pray for them regularly, but must admit, it's not enough. I need to pray more for God to bless and protect them, especially those who are hurting and confused.

By God's grace, I will spend more time in prayer and reading His Word, need to prioritize things in my life. Don't know about you, but in my priority list, God has been on top of the list, followed by my wife. But that's the list, in reality I need to ask myself do I really put Him above everything else? I'm honest enough to admit that hasn't been the case. Often in the journey of life, we get distracted by things, or people that come along our way, and from time to time, we lose our focus or goal.

Don't know about you, but there were things in my past that I should have or shouldn't have done, which I regret, and sometimes I do wish that God would turn back time just for me, of course it doesn't happen that way, we need to shake off the past and start anew in Christ. No matter what sins we've done in the past, or wrong decisions we've made, or bad things that are done to us by others, we can't change the past.

But we can change our lives by trusting God and putting our faith in Him. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith (Hebrews 12:2). And we also need to forgive those who have hurt us and release them. By forgiving them, we are opening God's blessing to flow into our lives. Most of us are familiar with the Lord's prayer: Our Father in heaven.... (Matthew 6:9-13), but most of us forget to see the next verses:
14 “If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. 15 But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.

Let me finish by a devotion from Dr. Jack Graham:

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
--Hebrews 11:1

God loves you and has a plan for your life that is truly amazing. God has something significant that He wants to do in and through you.

Do you really believe that today?

Despite what our culture says, you're not here by accident! You're here by divine Providence ...and God has a plan and purpose for you. Not for just the Josephs of the world, but for the Joes, the Marys, the Bettys, the Sues, and the Bills. God has something significant for all of us to do...and that includes you!

Now, success is wonderful. As a matter of fact, the Scripture says that God gave Joseph great success. But beyond success, he had significance.

Joseph certainly had vision, courage, determination, character, ability, and perseverance--all the qualities of a leader. But there was one quality that stood out in this great man's life. That quality was faith.

Joseph trusted God throughout all of his good times as well as bad times. And that faith is what gave Joseph significance!

In spite of the obstacles, against all the odds, this man persevered by faith. He started over many times in his life. He faced circumstances that would have defeated the average, ordinary individual. And yet regardless of the difficulties, he kept believing God. He kept following his Lord. He kept trusting his Master.

Why? Because Joseph believed that God had a plan for his life, and he was determined to discover his destiny. I mean, think about it: Joseph was despised and rejected by his own dysfunctional family! He was kidnapped and left for dead. He was sold as a slave. He was falsely accused and imprisoned. He was used and abused. He was failed and forgotten. And yet by faith he carried on!

And I want to encourage you to carry on by faith as well! Whether you're in good times or bad times right now, God has a perfect plan for you. I hope you will trust in this promise today...and know that as a child of God, you have true significance in Him.

TRUe significance comes from trusting god for your destiny

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